Seminars this semester
Algebraic Geometry Reading Seminar
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Applied Mathematics Colloquium
Astronomical Topology Working Group
Black History Month Colloquium
Cosmology, Relativity and Gravitation
European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS)
External seminars
Fluid Dynamics Seminar
Galois Cohomology Learning Seminar
HK Days
International Women in Mathematics Day
Mathematical Biology Seminar
Maths Knowledge Exchange Hub Triage Workshops
MiaowMiaow (2d category theory) seminar
Noncommutative Geometry Seminar
Number Theory seminar
Plasma Dynamics Group
Probability in the North East
Probability seminar
Pure Maths Colloquium
RSS Seminar
Seminar on the cohomology of arithmetic groups
ShEAF: postgraduate pure maths seminar
SIAM-IMA Chapter Seminar
SP2RC Discussion & Book Group
SP2RC seminar
SP2RC/ESPOS seminar
Statistics Seminar
Teaching Lunch
Topology Reading Group
Topology Seminar
There are currently no seminars planned.