Seminars this semester


Feb 8 Thu Sarah Whitehouse (Sheffield) Topology Seminar
16:00 Homotopy theory of spectral sequences
Hicks Seminar Room J11
For each r, maps which are quasi-isomorphisms on the r page provide a class of weak equivalences on the category of spectral sequences. The talk will cover homotopy theory associated with this setting. We introduce the category of extended spectral sequences and show that this is bicomplete by analysis of a certain presheaf category modelled on discs. We endow the category of extended spectral sequences with various model category structures. One of these has the property that spectral sequences is a homotopically full subcategory and so, by results of Meier, exhibits the category of spectral sequences as a fibrant object in the Barwick-Kan model structure on relative categories. We also note how the presheaf approach provides some insight into the décalage functor on spectral sequences. This is joint work with Muriel Livernet.
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Feb 22 Thu Joseph Grant Topology Seminar
16:00 Frobenius algebra objects in Temperley-Lieb categories at roots of unity
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Frobenius algebras appear in many parts of maths and have nice properties. One can define algebra objects in any monoidal category, and there is a standard definition of when such an algebra object is Frobenius. But this definition is not satisfied by something which we'd like to think of as an algebra object in Temperley-Lieb categories at roots of unity. We will explore a more general definition of a Frobenius algebra object which covers this example, and will explore some of its properties. This is joint work with Mathew Pugh.
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Feb 29 Thu Jack Romo (Leeds) Topology Seminar
16:00 $(\infty, 2)$-Categories and their Homotopy Bicategories
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Across the multitude of definitions for a higher category, a dividing line can be found between two major camps of model. On one side lives the ‘algebraic’ models where composition operations between morphisms are given, like Bénabou’s bicategories, tricategories following Gurski and the models of n-category of Batanin and Leinster, Trimble and Penon. On the other end, one finds the ‘non-algebraic’ models, where the space of possible composites is only guaranteed to be contractible. These include the models of Tamsamani and Paoli, along with quasicategories, Segal n-categories, complete n-fold Segal spaces and more. The bridges between these models remain somewhat mysterious. Progress has been made in certain instances, as seen in the work of Tamsamani, Leinster, Lack and Paoli, Cottrell, Campbell, Nikolaus and others. Nonetheless, the correspondence remains incomplete; indeed, for instance, there is no fully verified means in the literature to take an `algebraic’ homotopy n-category of any known model of $(\infty, n)$-category for general n. In this talk, I will present my contributions to the problem of taking algebraic homotopy bicategories of non-algebraic $(\infty, 2)$-categories. This talk also serves as an introduction to the model of $(\infty, 2)$-category I will be using, namely complete 2-fold Segal spaces. If time permits, I will discuss how to compute the fundamental bigroupoid of a topological space with this construction.
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Mar 7 Thu Nadia Mazza (Lancaster) Topology Seminar
16:00 Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Let G be a finite group and k a field of positive characteristic p diving the order of G. An endotrivial kG-module is a finitely generated kG-module which is "invertible" in some suitable sense. Since the late 70s, these modules have been intensely studied in modular representation theory. In this talk, we review the essential background on endotrivial modules, and present some results about endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type, obtained jointly with Carlson, Grodal and Nakano.
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Mar 21 Thu Andy Baker (Glasgow) Topology Seminar
16:00 Endotrivial modules for the quaternion group and iterated Jokers in chromatic homotopy theory
Hicks Seminar Room J11
The Joker is a famous very singular example of an endotrivial module over the 8-dimension subHopf algebra of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra generated by $\operatorname{Sq}^1$ and $\operatorname{Sq}^2$. It is known that this can be realised as the cohomology of two distinct Spanier-Whitehead dual spectra. Similarly, the double and iterated double are also realisable, but then the process stops.
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Apr 18 Thu Briony Eldridge (Southampton) Topology Seminar
16:00 Loop Spaces of Polyhedral Products Associated with Substitution Complexes
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Polyhedral products are a topological space formed by gluing together ingredient spaces in a manner governed by a simplicial complex. They appear in many areas of study, including toric topology, combinatorics, commutative algebra, complex geometry and geometric group theory. A fundamental problem is to determine how operations on simplicial complexes change the topology of the polyhedral product. In this talk, we consider the substitution complex operation. We obtain a description of the loop space associated with some substitution complexes, and use this to build a new family of simplicial complexes such that the homotopy type of the loop space of the moment angle complex is a product of spheres and loops on spheres.
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May 2 Thu Ehud Meir (Aberdeen) Topology Seminar
16:00 Invariants that are covering spaces and their Hopf algebras
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Different flavours of string diagrams arise naturally in studying algebraic structures (e.g. algebras, Hopf algebras, Frobenius algebras) in monoidal categories. In particular, closed diagrams can be realized as scalar invariants. For a structure of a given type the closed diagrams form a commutative algebra that has a richer structure of a self dual Hopf algebra. This is very similar, but not quite the same, as the positive self adjoint Hopf algebras that were introduced by Zelevinsky in studying families of representations of finite groups. In this talk I will show that the algebras of invariants admit a lattice that is a PSH-algebra. This will be done by considering maps between invariants, and realizing them as covering spaces. I will then show some applications to subgroup growth questions, and a formula that relates the Kronecker coefficients to finite index subgroups of free groups.
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May 9 Thu Georg Struth (Sheffield) Topology Seminar
16:00 Single-set Cubical Categories and Their Formalisation with a Proof Assistant
Hicks Seminar Room J11
Cubical sets and cubical categories are widely used in mathematics and computer science, from homotopy theory to homotopy type theory, higher-dimensional automata and, last but not least, higher-dimensional rewriting, where our own interest in these structures lies. To formalise cubical categories with the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant along the path of least resistance, we take a single-set approach to categories, which leads to new axioms for cubical categories. Taming the large number of initial candidate axioms has relied essentially on Isabelle's proof automation. Yet we justify their correctness relative to the standard axiomatisation by Al Agl, Brown and Steiner via categorical equivalence proofs outside of Isabelle. In combination, these results present a case study in experimental mathematics with a proof assistant. In this talk I will focus on the formalisation experience -- lights and shadows -- and conclude with some general remarks about formalised mathematics. This is joint work with Philippe Malbos and Tanguy Massacrier (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).
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